Review Policy

The main criteria for the books I include on my blog are that they are written for children between the ages of 3 and 11. As a primary educator, my reviews are written with the busy class teacher in mind. I include details of not only which year group the book might be suitable for but also suggestions of curriculum content areas it might link with.

The books I choose to include in my blog are ones that I have enjoyed personally and believe will encourage and motivate children to become lifelong readers.

Should anyone wish to send me a book to read, I would be delighted to review it for you. Books given to me for review immediately go to the top of my 'to be read' pile, although I will prioritise ones with a set release date.

I always include titles, authors, blurbs, my own personal thoughts, a picture of the cover and a rating out of 5 stars on every book.

I will always make it clear, via a disclaimer at the bottom of the review, when I have been sent books by publishers. I do not accept requests for sponsored reviews or paid posts.

If you are interested in having a book reviewed, please get in touch via:
Email –
Thank you!